There is thing about school yard bullies. It's like a rule. Keep the masses scared, the occasional demonstrative beating keeps them scared enough to keep them inline. However if you go around beating up the entire playground eventually the have nothing to lose and they get nasty and revolt and suddenly the bully gets the shit kicked out of him.
Someone should tell the Israelis. Nobody likes a bully, especially when the victim is weak, almost crippled and relies on the bully for day to day survival.
Interesting statistic, in 2006 (can't find any later stats but these from
here ) 139 Pedestrians were killed on Israeli roads. That is 48 more than have been killed from Gaza rocket attacks in the last ten years. I wonder if the Israeli government therefore puts as much money into Road safety as it does bombing the crap out of Gaza.... And they wonder why the Palestinians continue the futile and idiotic pastime of throwing rockets across the border. Hell, why waste all that money shooting back, just laugh at the silly buggers. The palestinians would kill more Israelis just by giving Cars to as many of them as they could.
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